On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 05:43:51PM -0300, Daniel Bareiro wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello to all!
> This is my first post to the mailing list/newsgroup. I'm user of Debian
> GNU/Linux and recently I installed OpenBSD 4.3 in a machine AMD K6-II to
> begin to be acquiring ability in its use, so I hope that with the aid of
> you it can be solving the doubts that have not been able to solve by
> myself.
> Today, after a cut of electrical provision, I wanted to make a
> comparison of 'messages' log of Debian against the one of OpenBSD to
> isolate in what moment was the cut but the 'messages' log of OpenBSD
> doesn't put marks of timestamp and I had understood that to put this
> marks is the default behavior in all Unix systems. How I can configure
> it in OpenBSD?

Check man syslog.conf; mark is a separate facility, you'll need to add
mark.info to the appropiate line, e.g.:


kern.debug;syslog,user.info                             /var/log/messages


kern.debug;syslog,user.info,mark,info                  /var/log/messages


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