On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 06:06:20PM -0700, Unix Fan wrote:
> Edd Barrett wrote:
> > I don't see a patch attached...
> Replace:
> xserverauthfile=$HOME/.serverauth.$$
> With:
> xserverauthfile=$XAUTHORITY
> Wow, now that was easy.. :)

It would help if you tried to be less of a condescending prick, a quick
glance at the archives proves that this is an impossible concept for you to
grasp, though.

You've already been told why that's a stupid idea.

How come everyone else can shut down X and not have it leave the
.serverauth.* files everywhere? If i start up X using startx right now,
and type sudo reboot, X shuts down normally and cleans up its own shit. 

If you're hard rebooting a machine, no wonder it isn't cleaning up after

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