No, I want it *MY* way, all the time!  Oh, wait, I'm not talking about
a burger or my own distro, am I?

On 7/15/08, Marco Peereboom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could also use a less retarded source control system.
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 05:51:04PM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote:
>> On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Will Maier wrote:
>> > On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 02:30:36PM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote:
>> > > Depends on tcl-8.4.7p6, .. maybe, .. but what does X have to do
>> > > with git??
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >  Can't install tk-8.4.7p1: lib not found X11.11.1
>> > >
>> > > Is this a broken dependency
>> >
>> > No.
>> >
>> > > or . . . ? Seems like git installed cleanly on 4.2.
>> >
>> > Are you going to send a mail to misc@ every time a package depends
>> > on X?
>> >
>> No, I'm sending an email to misc when a package depends on X that should
>> **NOT** depend on X. That's what's broken, obviously, if you're saying I
>> should be installing X on a production server. NOT.
>>      Lee

"This officer's men seem to follow him merely out of idle curiosity."
-- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.
"Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a fireworks
factory where smoking on the job is permitted."  -- Gene Spafford
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