On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 07:47:54PM +0100, Nuno Magalhces wrote:
> Eheh he's right :-) If you guys get your heads out of your asses and
> actually read his words with the use of some common sense you might
> get what he means. It's a balanced opinion.

It's a totally misinformed opinion.

>In fact, all the boring normal bugs are _way_ more important, just because 
>there's a lot more of them. I don't think some spectacular security hole 
>should be glorified or cared about as being any more "special" than a 
>random spectacular crash due to bad locking.

which is exactly what people in the OpenBSD project do, all the time (fix
normal bugs). That's the proactive approach to security: don't wait until
you have an exploit, just fix the darn bug.

So, when he tries to say that the OpenBSD crowd has a different attitude,
I don't know who he's referring to, but certainly not me.

I don't think you have any idea how hard we're laughing right now.
It's just so out of touch with how we see things, it's beyond pathetic.

As you can see, my fellow developpers took it about the same way, but
with even more sarcasm...

we don't give a fuck about security for security's sake:

free, FUNCTIONAL, secure. choose all three. Says so on the T-shirt.

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