
  on jul 11 snapshots now, have gone thru i think 2 or 3 snapshot iterations
  since ~early/mid june.

  first recorded/noticed incident of the
  'uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries' jobby was jun.16th while
  running a DEBUG.MP kernel i had made in attempt to catch more info on a
  panic we had seen (kernel/5799).  we never did get that panic again, and
  had seen a few weird silent lockups.  i didn't have syslog setup to retain
  logs forever back then so maybe there were UVM_amap hits and i just didn't
  see them.

  i've checked our sudo logs (those we do have long back in syslog) and the
  only changes that appear significant (around before jun.16) are the addition
  of the ices-0.4 pkg and some pf.conf edits.

  anyway, the DEBUG.MP kernel wasn't making life any better so we went
  back to the GENERIC.MP kernel from the same snapshot we were still riding
  on (feb.22);  things were cool from then (jun.16) to jun.18 where we got
  the UVM_amap hit.  a few ppl suggested to me offline to keep chunkin' thru
  snapshots so right now we're at jul 11th ones and everything has been
  peachy (i made a comment in the recent rtorrent misc@ thread regarding this).

  until weird o'clock this morning.  

  power went out at ~midnight EDT last night and came back on ~4:45 EDT.

  UVM_amap is off to the races today!

  i've got a script i made who runs sysctl kern.malloc.kmemstat on all
  the critters in there and peeps to stdout when something goes up
  and what it is at -- i pipe that to logger on startup.

  is made from those syslog messages

  you can see in there the few times it has shot up like skyrockets.

  of note is that i seem to get the kprintf before the 'maxused' hits
  'limit', per sysctl or vmstat.  maybe that's not noteworthy tho..

  anyway, where it gets calm on the 12th is us doing the jul.11 snapshots
  and popping corks and thinking the dragons were slain; we made it
  through monday (whereas the previous monday was nasty), but tuesday
  hit and we went bonkers; then after the box came back up this morning, the
  UVM_amap was going up very high before anyone logged in.

Jul 16 04:57:20 iorek vmstat_watcher: vmstat_watcher: name: UVM_amap memuse: 
395000 maxused: 3026000 limit: 39322000
Jul 16 05:37:03 iorek sshd[16018]: Accepted publickey for jrrs from port 12655 ssh2
Jul 16 05:37:04 iorek vmstat_watcher: vmstat_watcher: name: UVM_amap memuse: 
803000 maxused: 3026000 limit: 39322000
# i fix some crap i broke in pf.conf and logout
Jul 16 05:45:55 iorek vmstat_watcher: vmstat_watcher: name: UVM_amap memuse: 
953000 maxused: 3026000 limit: 39322000
Jul 16 06:28:50 iorek vmstat_watcher: vmstat_watcher: name: UVM_amap memuse: 
10280000 maxused: 10325000 limit: 39322000
Jul 16 07:30:54 iorek vmstat_watcher: vmstat_watcher: name: UVM_amap memuse: 
15285000 maxused: 18052000 limit: 39322000
Jul 16 07:46:01 iorek vmstat_watcher: vmstat_watcher: name: UVM_amap memuse: 
14776000 maxused: 18052000 limit: 39322000
Jul 16 07:46:07 iorek sshd[925]: Accepted password for XXXX from XXXXX port 
4484 ssh2

  and keeps going up from there until it is bouncing offa ~34073000.

  those #s correspond to the most recent spike in the graph linked above.

  so barring anything else, i'll try to go to the jul.15th snapshots

  i have NO IDEA how to discern what it is that is tying up so much memory.

  i can certainly see the usage go up if i do things like make new
  screen(1) sessions or terminals or run stuff, but if there is any way
  to see who is pissing things off so much, i could maybe be more useful.

  i took a quick peek at systat(1) and on the iostat page i see:

               23770 numbufs
               23769 freebufs
               95057 numbufpages
                   0 numfreepages
                  24 numdirtypages
               95029 numcleanpages
  18014398509481983K pendingwrites
                   0 pendingreads
                  11 numwrites
                   0 numreads
                 159 cachehits

  where that number is very stupid high, but i checked a few other machines
  who aren't giving me trouble and they're showing '*', so could be that
  means nothing.

  we used to have an mfs /tmp; i did away with that when we went to the
  jul.11 snapshots, so that doesn't seem to be directly related.

  other than that about the only non-standard thing that leaps to mind
  about the system is having done:

# sh ./MAKEDEV pty{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}

  because we have run out of them a few times prior and /etc/ttys has
  all those bastards.

  here's a vmstat -m:

Memory statistics by bucket size
    Size   In Use   Free           Requests  HighWater  Couldfree
      16    76971  29781          139521406    1280     524682
      32     2434   3326           12302459     640      53921
      64     4510  14754           21418581     320    1041099
     128     4277    619            2706743     160       1748
     256      979    109            4783949      80      17926
     512     1923    181            1735210      40     326563
    1024     3801      3              33657      20       3448
    2048      543      3               8640      10       3118
    4096      891      1              11917       5       9867
    8192      536      8               2240       5       1136
   16384      383      0               4338       5          0
   32768        8      0                 74       5          0
   65536       20      0                407       5          0
  131072       97      0                337       5          0
  262144       33      0                204       5          0
  524288       26      0                 70       5          0

Memory usage type by bucket size
    Size  Type(s)
      16  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, vnodes, UFS mount, sem,
          dirhash, ACPI, in_multi, exec, pfkey data, xform_data, VM swap,
          UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB, packet tags, temp
      32  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, sem, dirhash, ACPI, proc,
          VFS cluster, in_multi, ether_multi, exec, pfkey data, xform_data,
          VM swap, UVM amap, USB, crypto data, IPsec creds, ip6_options, temp
      64  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, vnodes, UFS mount, sem, dirhash, ACPI,
          in_multi, pfkey data, xform_data, UVM amap, USB, packet tags, NDP,
     128  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, iov, vnodes, UFS mount, dirhash, ACPI,
          NFS srvsock, ttys, exec, pfkey data, tdb, xform_data, inodedep,
          UVM amap, USB, USB device, crypto data, ip6_options, NDP, temp
     256  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, vnodes, UFS mount, shm,
          VM map, dirhash, ACPI, file desc, NFS daemon, pfkey data, tdb,
          inodedep, newblk, UVM amap, USB, temp
     512  devbuf, pcb, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, iov, UFS mount, shm, dirhash,
          ACPI, file desc, proc, ttys, exec, pfkey data, tdb, xform_data,
          UVM amap, USB device, crypto data, temp
    1024  devbuf, ioctlops, mount, dirhash, ACPI, file desc, ttys, exec, tdb,
          UVM amap, UVM aobj, crypto data, temp
    2048  devbuf, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, namecache, UFS mount, proc,
          xform_data, VM swap, UVM amap, temp
    4096  devbuf, ioctlops, UFS mount, pagedep, UVM amap, memdesc, temp
    8192  devbuf, UFS mount, MSDOSFS mount, UVM amap, temp
   16384  devbuf, NFS node, namecache, UFS quota, UFS mount, ISOFS mount,
          inodedep, indirdep, UVM amap, temp
   32768  devbuf, UVM amap
   65536  UVM amap
  131072  namecache, UVM amap
  262144  UFS mount, UVM amap
  524288  VM swap, UVM amap

Memory statistics by type                           Type  Kern
          Type InUse MemUse HighUse  Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
        devbuf  2718  1109K   1173K 39322K     2850    0     0  
           pcb   110     9K      9K 39322K    11514    0     0  16,32,64,512
      routetbl   210    17K     17K 39322K     4807    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
        ifaddr   113    24K     24K 39322K      115    0     0  
        sysctl     3     3K      3K 39322K        5    0     0  
      ioctlops     0     0K      4K 39322K     5963    0     0  
           iov     0     0K      1K 39322K      900    0     0  128,512
         mount     7     7K      7K 39322K        7    0     0  1024
      NFS node     1    16K     16K 39322K        1    0     0  16384
        vnodes   112    11K    179K 39322K     6968    0     0  16,64,128,256
     namecache     3   146K    146K 39322K        3    0     0  
     UFS quota     1    16K     16K 39322K        1    0     0  16384
     UFS mount    29   203K    203K 39322K       29    0     0  
           shm     2     1K      1K 39322K        2    0     0  256,512
        VM map     3     1K      1K 39322K        3    0     0  256
           sem     4     1K      1K 39322K        4    0     0  16,32,64
       dirhash    48    11K     47K 39322K     2205    0     0  
          ACPI   856    55K     64K 39322K     4250    0     0  
     file desc    28    13K     24K 39322K     3017    0     0  256,512,1024
          proc    38     6K      6K 39322K       38    0     0  32,512,2048
   VFS cluster     0     0K      1K 39322K      454    0     0  32
   NFS srvsock     1     1K      1K 39322K        1    0     0  128
    NFS daemon     1     1K      1K 39322K        1    0     0  256
      in_multi    98     4K      4K 39322K       98    0     0  16,32,64
   ether_multi     8     1K      1K 39322K        8    0     0  32
   ISOFS mount     1    16K     16K 39322K        1    0     0  16384
 MSDOSFS mount     1     8K      8K 39322K        1    0     0  8192
          ttys  6000  3750K   3750K 39322K     6000    0     0  128,512,1024
          exec     0     0K      3K 39322K  2784610    0     0  
    pfkey data    21     2K      3K 39322K     2186    0     0  
           tdb    11    10K     17K 39322K      348    0     0  128,256,512,1024
    xform_data    18     1K      3K 39322K    38298    0     0  
       pagedep     1     4K      4K 39322K        1    0     0  4096
      inodedep     1    16K     18K 39322K      346    0     0  128,256,16384
        newblk     1     1K      1K 39322K        1    0     0  256
      indirdep     0     0K     32K 39322K      212    0     0  16384
       VM swap     7   587K    587K 39322K        7    0     0  
      UVM amap 86185 36264K  37113K 39322K168256628    0     0  
      UVM aobj     2     2K      2K 39322K        2    0     0  16,1024
           USB    43     4K      4K 39322K       43    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
    USB device    12     5K      5K 39322K       12    0     0  128,512
       memdesc     1     4K      4K 39322K        1    0     0  4096
   crypto data    42     8K     13K 39322K     1132    0     0  32,128,512,1024
   IPsec creds    36     2K      2K 39322K      904    0     0  32
   packet tags     0     0K      1K 39322K    60368    0     0  16,64
   ip6_options   549    69K     69K 39322K      562    0     0  32,128
           NDP    21     2K      3K 39322K       25    0     0  64,128
          temp   169    13K     45K 39322K 11335400    0     0  

Memory Totals:  In Use    Free    Requests
                42410K   1764K    182530332
Memory resource pool statistics
Name        Size Requests Fail Releases Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg Idle
extentpl      20      209    0      189     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
phpool        32     1346    0      476     7     0     7     7     0     8    0
pmappl        84  1704093    0  1703940     4     0     4     4     0     8    0
vmsppl       188  1704093    0  1703940     8     0     8     8     0     8    0
vmmpepl       88 147886152   0 147851389 4994  4032   962   989     0   179  179
vmmpekpl      88  4436695    0  4436621     2     0     2     2     0     8    0
aobjpl        52        1    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
amappl        44 54083282    0 54055198  3113  2698   415   419     0    45   16
anonpl        16 109391204   0 109331937 2130  1597   533   809     0   244  173
bufpl        144  6158899    0  6135905  4540  3671   869   888     0     8    5
mbpl         256  1748512    0  1748038    44     0    44    44     1   384   10
mclpl       2048   467298    0   466978   191     0   191   191     4  3072   29
sockpl       212  1930669    0  1930420    14     0    14    14     0     8    0
procpl       344  1704112    0  1703940    17     0    17    17     0     8    1
processpl     20  1704112    0  1703940     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
zombiepl      72  1703940    0  1703940     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
ucredpl       80     5546    0     5421     3     0     3     3     0     8    0
pgrppl        24     6284    0     6181     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
sessionpl     48     3498    0     3414     2     0     2     2     0     8    1
pcredpl       24  1704112    0  1703940     2     0     2     2     0     8    0
lockfpl       52   442207    0   442192     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
filepl        88  6760026    0  6759416    14     0    14    14     0     8    0
fdescpl      296  1704094    0  1703940    13     0    13    13     0     8    1
pipepl        72   948160    0   948101     2     0     2     2     0     8    0
kqueuepl     192        7    0        7     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
knotepl       64       14    0       14     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
sigapl       316  1704093    0  1703940    14     0    14    14     0     8    1
wqtasks       20    43014    0    43014     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
scxspl       132  1608106    0  1608106     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
pfiaddrpl    100      184    0        0     5     0     5     5     0     8    0
namei       1024  9701823    0  9701823     3     0     3     3     0     8    3
vnodes       148     5927    0        0   220     0   220   220     0     8    0
nchpl         72    38541    0    35578    53     0    53    53     0     8    0
ffsino       184   248951    0   243033   290    21   269   269     0     8    0
dino1pl      128    34021    0    33550   245   203    42   125     0     8    8
dino2pl      256   214930    0   209483   826   476   350   351     0     8    4
pagedeppl     68     7308    0     7307     3     0     3     3     0     8    2
inodedeppl    84    21147    0    21143   106    98     8    59     0     8    7
newblkpl      36    26461    0    26461     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
bmsafemappl   32     7243    0     7243     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
allocdirectpl 76    11081    0    11078    14     6     8    11     0     8    7
indirdeppl    28      317    0      316     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
allocindirpl  60    15380    0    15376    41    33     8    33     0     8    7
freefragpl    36      853    0      853     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
freeblkspl   168    12298    0    12298   206   198     8   109     0     8    8
freefilepl    28    13459    0    13459    20    12     8    20     0     8    8
diraddpl      32    11342    0    11341     3     0     3     3     0     8    2
mkdirpl       28     1924    0     1924     2     0     2     2     0     8    2
dirrempl      32    16760    0    16760    23    15     8    23     0     8    8
newdirblkpl   16        5    0        5     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
dirhash     1024     4261    0     4051   128     0   128   128     0   128   75
semapl        68        2    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
semupl       100      158    0      157     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfrulepl     848      334    0       11    84     0    84    84     0     8    2
pfstatepl    192    13358    0    13322    26     0    26    26     0   477   22
pfstatekeypl  72    14171    0    14135    10     2     8    10     0     8    5
pfstateitempl 12    14171    0    14135     2     0     2     2     0     8    1
pfaltqpl     224       24    0        8     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfpooladdrpl  68        8    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfrktable   1240     1054    0     1034     9     0     9     9     0   334    1
pfrkentry     96     4185    0     2168    52     0    52    52     0  4762    3
pfrkentry2    96       30    0        5     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfosfpen     108     2088    0     1392    41    22    19    19     0     8    0
pfosfp        28     1221    0      814     3     0     3     3     0     8    0
strprocpl   2268        4    0        3     3     0     3     3     0     8    2
strpolpl      28        1    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
rtentpl      116      106    0       16     3     0     3     3     0     8    0
ipqepl        20      504    0      504     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
ipqpl         24      252    0      252     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
tcpcbpl      400    19122    0    19005    14     0    14    14     0     8    1
tcpqepl       16     6617    0     6617     1     0     1     1     0    13    1
sackhlpl      20      160    0      160     1     0     1     1     0   162    1
synpl        184     7566    0     7566     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
plimitpl     152  1703806    0  1703755     3     0     3     3     0     8    1
inpcbpl      220  1919164    0  1919016    10     0    10    10     0     8    1
ipsec policy 212       45    0       31     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
cryptop       48    30726    0    30726     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
cryptodesc    56    61452    0    61452     1     0     1     1     0     8    1

In use 13928K, total allocated 32756K; utilization 42.5%


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