On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:08:51PM +0800, Jeffrey 'jf' Lim wrote: > - how is this different from the jggimi discs?
I can't speak to Stephan's recent changes; he and I spoke via e-mail just before his "Beta 1" was packaged. I did look at Beta 1, but not newer ISOs, I'll talk only to known differences with Beta 1. We have the same purposes: OS familiarization and hardware testing. 1. My LiveCDs/LiveDVDs offer multiple workstation configurations, primarily for Linux/OtherBSD users interested in gaining some familiarity with OpenBSD. I also include a basic OS with nothing at all, primarily for use by OpenBSD users who want a LiveCD for hardware testing. Beta 1 was an Enlightenment -only packaging. 2. I have ISOs for both i386 and amd64 architectures; I understand Stephan plans to increase harware offerings over time. 3. I boot a UP kernel by default and offer an MP kernel as an option; BSDanywhere uses an MP kernel. 4. I used to include bsd.rd on my ISOs, though I removed it for 4.3. I noted it was available with BSDanywhere. 5. I have the default 5 second boot> prompt, BSDanywhere skips it; but then, I leave it there for booting bsd.mp. 6. I noted that Beta 1 used mount_mfs -P. I liked it, and thought it would be interesting to try it when I package ISOs for 4.4-release. I have since seen e-mail from Stephan that it caused performance delays when using optical media and will be or has already been abandond. 7. Stephan has a much, much better designed website.