cp /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.13.0 /usr/lib/libcrypto.14

Don't knock it, it works.

As well if you are having libm issues (ie. things (like httpd) can't find isnan or isinf symbols) check to see if you have /usr/ibm.3.0 and of so just move /usr/lib/libm.so.2.4 out of the way (like to /root). The directions on openbsd.org/faq/current.html HELP but they don't give you the entire picture.

The snapshot was hosed all day yesterday and once I figured out the above I didn't bother trying again (as everything works as expected again).

These are the dangers of tracking -current and I enjoyed the challenge (though going through "make build" six times get to be on the annoying side when it take 1.5 hours each run :P ).

On 25-Jul-08, at 10:53 PM, Emilio Perea wrote:

I imagine the next snapshot will fix that (the one currently available
does not contain libcrypto.so.14.0).  If you have another PC available
to build a current release, that should also work.  I just did that
myself on an amd64.  (If you try that, note there are some additional
library building steps before the final build as shown on

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