On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Edd Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have this strange link message for xetex (Im building binaries for the
> TL DVD, its nothing to do with the port).
> Take a look at this:
> http://tug.org/pipermail/tlbuild/2008q3/000310.html
> Does anyone have any clue what is happening here?

Looks like it still got linked with a static libfreetype2: see how ldd
shows the shared libfreetype2 as having a reference count of just 1?
Since libfontconfig has a reference to libfreetype2, that means the
base executable _doesn't_.  Since ld.so is complaining about symbol
size changes, the executable must have been linked with a static
version of libfreetype2 that's not compatible with the system one.
Check the log from building xetex to see whether it shows it doing
that or otherwise not liking the system one (despite you passing it
options telling it to use it).

Philip Guenther

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