On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 08:41:36AM -0700, skogzort wrote:
> Is it necessary to recompile just to apply a security patch?
Of course! ;)

> In order to do this it appears that I have to download the source code
> re-compile the entire OS. Recompiling the OS seems to involve a lot of steps.
> Before I continue to read through them all, I just want to confirm that it is
> actually necessary to do all of this, simply to apply a security patch:
Do you use the current 4.3 or do you use a CVS snapshot ?

If you use 4.3 you _have_ to download and install src.tar.gz and
install it. Now download only the bind patch for 4.3 and apply
the patch and rebuild and reinstall named. (Don't forget to restart
named ;) )

If you use a older version check the appropriate errata page instead ;)

Its OpenBSD. Its soo easy :P



Windows 95: A 32-bit patch for a 16-bit GUI shell running on top of
an 8-bit operating system written for a 4-bit processor by a 2-bit
company who cannot stand 1 bit of competition.

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