On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 08:53:24PM -0400, jmc wrote:
> --- John Nietzsche [Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 07:19:11PM -0300]: --- 
> > Dear OpenBSD friends,
> > 
> > how may i format a slice with FFS2? and what to put into /etc/fstab
> IIRC from some list traffic, you have to be careful what filesystems you
> format as FFS2 because the install kernels only have FFS compiled in,
> and that could spell upgrade troubles.

  nod, i sent valueless bugreport on this instead of checking the FAQ.

> you may not need any fstab mods, i haven't experimented yet... sorry i
> can't help more.

  on this end, for our FFS2 partition, there's no difference in fstab



  • FFS2 John Nietzsche
    • Re: FFS2 jmc
      • Re: FFS2 jared r r spiegel

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