Oddly this does not appear to have made it thru...

Howdy List?

As some of you may have gathered from previous posts, I have been
working on a pf configuration that will allow a gateway firewall 
machine to talk to two or more ISP services and allow for the
differential routing of data connections from client's services 
both behind the firewall and on it (e.g. a TOR, HTTP server or other proxy).

An additional complexity is introduced in that most prospective
users of such a configuration are small to medium businessess that
engage only DHCP services from ISPs.  This means the IP address,
default route and name servers associated with a particular service
provider can (and do) change over the period the firewall gate 
is up for, moreover the lease times granted can change from time
to time.  Also, nameservers for most ISP are configured to only
answer queries from the ISP's subnet(s) and the standard dhclient-
script does not accomodate this.

In order to make such a configuration work, I introduce some hacks
into the dhclient-script such that when the dhclient processess
associated with a particular interface are triggered to renew 
a lease, a piece of prolog code is called that touches the following

file                            data mod

/etc/pf.conf                    gatewayIP
/etc/resolv.conf                nameservers (for default route)
/etc/dhclient.conf              nameservers (for dhclient routes)
[routetable]                    default route for firewall

To do this, I create a directory, /etc/pf, containing the following files:

file                            purpose

dhclient-script                 dhclient-script modified to call replall from
                                add_new_routes() subroutine, and stub 
                                add_new_resolv_conf() as resolv.conf must 
                                only reference nameservers for the default 
                                slink'd to /sbin/dhclient-script.
dhcpd.cnf.[interface]           one for each internal interface 
                                to provision dhcpd services
droute.IF                       define the firewall's default route interface
pf.cnf                          template pf ruleset into which the specific
                                interface gateways are inserted (replall looks
                                for lines begining with ext_gw_{IFN} ).
replall                         slink to compiled gprolog code hooked from 
                                dhclient-script that does the various 
gplg/Makefile                   make for gprolog code
gplg/dlib.pl                    prolog support code -- dlib==duncan's lib;)
gplg/replall                    gprolog executable
gplg/replall.pl                 gprolog source

A completed working instance of this scheme can be found at:


It has been tested on a machine with 1 static and 1 DHCP gateway as
well as on a machine with 2 DHCP gateways.

And yes, I know that most of you will think I'm daft to use prolog for 
a task that could be done in sh/perl/python.  It's really just a matter
of what you are most comfortable with... if a good reason comes up I might
recode it in C.


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