On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 13:58 -0700, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
> spend your money on a motherboard with serial console.  like a supermicro
> board or something.  you'll be happier.

No offense but: No.  No you wont.  Unless you have IPMI or something
like Dell's DRAC (4, not 5 -- 5 sux big time).

The AMI/Award BIOS serial console features on the market are _really_
bad.  No hot-key sequences, no watchdog timer, and they don't actually
simulate a VGA->Serial conversion (so the OS _still_ needs to know about
the serial console) -- "redirection after boot" almost never works for
kernels that draw the framebuffer instead of using BIOS calls to write
kernel messages.

Its bad out there.  PC Weasel needs to sell off/lease that technology to
MB vendors.


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