On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 05:09:08PM +0900, william dunand wrote:
> Of course, as it is a testing environment it is a lot easier to make
> it work for me...
> On the remote side, a configured something like this (I suppose they
> have something of this kind on the other side) :
> ike passive esp from to A.B.C.D
> And on the local server side, all I have is :
> ike esp from any to peer W.X.Y.Z

Ah, okay.  It doesn't look like I have the luxury of simply saying
'from any to IP', since the remote end refuses to set up the SAs
in that case.  I will try to get the other end to allow something
like that, since it seems like a MUCH better solution than the rube
goldberg stuff I'm playing with now, but half the reason I'm stuck
is the other guy doesn't return emails...

> Never tried to use the "flow" directives as you did. I suppose that if
> as you said you have correct encap routes, packets headed to
> should definitely go through enc0, then if you set nat on
> enc0, it should work as it does for me.
> Could you paste and show us the output of netstat -rnf encap and also
> if possible your pf.conf ?

Source             Port  Destination        Port  Proto 
SA(Address/Proto/Type/Direction)      0     A.B.C.D/32         0     0     W.X.Y.Z/esp/use/in
A.B.C.D/32         0      0     0     W.X.Y.Z/esp/require/out      0     default            0     0     W.X.Y.Z/esp/use/in
default            0      0     0     W.X.Y.Z/esp/use/out

The pf.conf is pretty complicated, but the relevant rules that get hit are:

set ruleset-optimization none
set state-policy if-bound
set skip on { lo }
scrub all fragment reassemble reassemble tcp
nat on $vpn_if from to any -> A.B.C.D
nat on $ext_if from to any -> E.F.G.H
block drop
pass quick on $vpn_if
pass quick on $int_if

And then there are others that eventually let us out of $ext_if as well.

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