On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 02:08:00PM -0400, Steve Shockley wrote:
> Insan Praja SW wrote:
>> This is beyond expectation, as an openbsd user, I'am blown over since
>> now, my so called router/switch is a metro switch.. geez.. I patching
>> now, and let's see what happens.
> OT, but what makes a metro switch "metro"?

Normaly next to qinq mostly even bigger cams plus I nicer frontplate.
Qinq while making it possible to push differnet L2 lans over a common
network in a VPN like (the unencrypted form) fashion needs a lot more
storage for all the MAC addrs seen on the core switches. In the end the
core switches need to know all MAC addrs of all clients in all networks.
The 16k entries of most basic manageable switches are way to little for
larger networks.
Oh and just to make stuff even more crazy on L2 there is MAC-in-MAC which
adds to the qinq header an additional ethernet header to keep the MAC
address tables separated per network.

All this was invented because Windows likes to broadcast/multicast
information around and the admins are unable to figure out how routing
:wq Claudio

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