Hello all,

I have some strange difficulties with authpf shell on my OpenBSD 4.2 stable server. Everything works as expected but after the client tries to terminate session by CTRL+C, there is still an active process on the server related to this user. In fact it's not possible to close the session correctly
by client.

Could you please give me some clue what am I doing wrong?

before CTRL+C

-+= 21897 root sshd: user1[priv] (sshd)
|   \-+- 29963 user1sshd: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sshd)
|     \--= 28195 user1 -authpf: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (authpf)


After CTRL+C

-+= 21897 root sshd: user1 [priv] (sshd)
| | \--- 29963 user1 sshd: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sshd)

authpf is not there anymore but ssh session is still active

Thank you

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