On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 09:42:40PM -0401, jared r r spiegel wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 02:38:15PM +0200, Ivo van der Sangen wrote:
> > When I tried to kill these processes I noticed that I culdn't kill the
> > find processes that are apparently stuck in the kernel having WAIT
> > status nfsrcvl.
> > 
> > The obvious issue here is the nfs mount, but why does this cause the
> > security script to block?
> > 
> > The entry in fstab looks like this:
> > 
> > /mnt/music nfs ro,nodev,nosuid 0 0
> > 
> > Any ideas?
>   perhaps add ',-i' to the mountops
>   without -i, i believe nfs is quite happy to block
>   if nfs is not meeting its expectations
>   i fancy -b also because if i have reason enough to think the nfs
>   will go away such that i want -i, i also find that i enjoy what
>   -b provides, tho it might not be up your alley
> -- 
>   jared

The problem was in the NFS server configuration. It didn't restart
automatically after a reboot, because of an error in rc.conf.local.


Ivo van der Sangen

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