I'm currently trying to set up and OpenBSD machine (4.4 beta 08/08/23) 

To run as a SaMBa server and a music server using the mpd package.


A global windows share known as //Rowena/music has been set up to

gather the songs and I attempted to configure mpd as using that as

the music directory.  When mpd is started, it complains that

/var/samba/music can not be opened because of permissions


/var/samba/music has group set to samba and user set to samba uid 561

gid 561.  Permissions are -rwxrwx---, user _mpd (mpd drops to this user

when started by root, is a member of _mpd and samba.


If I set permissions on the directory to 777, mpd runs fine.


Any pointers on where in the manual I should look? Or even suggestions

on how to fix the problem?



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