
Yes I have. The problem is we cannot change anything on the client end we can only fix it on our end. We have tried with cisco fw and the access works with those same people having issues but as soon as we put openbsd pf people begin to complain. These are just few users that we are testing there may be other users who cannot reach the site either (which we don't know about).

-Parvinder Bhasin

On Sep 9, 2008, at 10:08 AM, Todd T. Fries wrote:

Did you read the pf suggestions via pppoe(4) ? AT&T tends to use pppoe(4)..

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Penned by Parvinder Bhasin on 20080909  9:59.02, we have:
I am having hard time with issue that some of the DSL (ATT) are having
issues connecting to website behind my openbsd firewall.  Now if I
switched it back to cisco asa , access works flawlessly.

Everyone including those on DSL(ATT) are able to access the website
(with cisco) but as soon as I put my Openbsd firewall website access to
SOME DSL (ATT) users stops working.

I troubleshooted the problem to be related to "scrubbing (normalization
of packets)".
So I tried couple of options in scrubbing rules: and got couple of
people experiencing the problem to work but there are few still
complaining that they can't access the site.  I have tried this from
multiple different connections. Even with Verizon EVDO internet access , people can't access the site. Its reallly weired and I have been pulling
my hair on this.  I don't really want to put other firewall in.

I would like to know what other people who are running openbsd as
firewall are using for scrubbing.

Here is what I used first time:

scrub in all

and then changed to

scrub in all no-df
scrub out all no-df

and got few of DSL users to see the site but then others still can't.
Verizon users can't either.

Any thoughts/help highly appreciated.  I dont' want to go BALD :)


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