I have it set to (1) on the promary and (100) on the backup.

How high did you set yours?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Quinteiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 September 2008 20:45
To: Jonathan Carter
Cc: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: Help with CARP

I had similar problems with a couple of little Soekris boxes.  I solved it
by increasing advskew.  I think they can't handle the interrupt load at peak
times.  I'm in the process of replacing them.


Jonathan Carter wrote:
> Hi
> Any ideas with this one please?
> I have 2 openBSD boxes running as pair of firewalls using CARP + PF.  
> This set up is already working for 12 months.
> Last week I was troubleshooting network problems reported by my 
> clients and I noticed that several CARP interfaces had failed over.  I 
> checked that there were no more problems with the Primary firewall and 
> I set the interfaces on the backup firewall back to "BACKUP" and made 
> sure that the the primary firewall interfaces were all set to "MASTER".
> However I had intermittent timeout problems for the next 24hrs. 
> Eventually I enabled "loud" debugging on PF and I saw that traffic was 
> coming through both firewalls evenn though the backup firewall has all 
> its CARP interfaces set back to "BACKUP".  I tried several basic TCP 
> debugging techniques but in the end I set all of the CARP interfaces on
the backup firewall to "down".
> This is where I am at the moment.  Can anyone point me in the 
> direction of how I can investigate this further.  I want to bring up 
> the backup firewall interfaces as soon as possible so that I have my 
> redundant set up but at the moment I am at a loss to think of what could
be wrong.
> The only thing I can think off is that I have accidentally enabled 
> load balancing - but I have checked the basics from the CARP 
> documentation and , on the surface it does not look like it.
> I am running "4.1 GENERIC#874 amd64"
> Regards
> Jonathan

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