I spent the evening reworking my pf.conf file in order to get AltQ working.
I successfully have that working, but somewhere along the line I broke PPTP
and can no longer connect back to the office. I have compared by old and new
pf.conf files but have not quite found the problem. I also ran a tcpdump on
the connection but am honestly not sure what I'm looking for. Could I
trouble someone to look over this of.conf file and see if they can tell me
why PPTP will not work?

################ Macros ###################################

### Interfaces ###
 ext_if    ="fxp0"

### Global Variables ###
 ext_ip        ="a.b.c.d"
 wire_network    =""
 wire_gw    =""
 ftp_server    =""
 workstation    =""

################ Tables ####################################
 table <blacklist> persist file "/etc/tables/blacklist"
 table <ftp-auth>  persist file "/etc/tables/ftp-auth"
 table <sinokorea> const file "/etc/tables/sinokorea"
 table <ssh-bruteforce> persist
 table <voipservers> const file "/etc/tables/voipservers"

################ Options ##################################
# Misc Options
 set require-order yes
 set block-policy drop
 set loginterface $ext_if
 set state-policy if-bound
 set fingerprints "/etc/pf.os"
 set ruleset-optimization none

################ Normalization #############################
 scrub on $ext_if all random-id reassemble tcp fragment reassemble

################ Queueing ##################################
 altq on $ext_if hfsc bandwidth 768Kb queue { ack, voip, stream, web, email,
p2p, general }
   queue ack        bandwidth 60% priority 7 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 50%)
   queue voip       bandwidth 10% priority 6 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 10%)
   queue stream     bandwidth 10% priority 5 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 10%)
   queue web        bandwidth 10% priority 4 qlimit 500 hfsc
   queue email      bandwidth  4% priority 3 qlimit 500 hfsc
   queue p2p        bandwidth  1% priority 3 qlimit 500 hfsc (upperlimit
   queue general    bandwidth  5% priority 2 qlimit 500 hfsc (realtime 5%

################ Translation ###############################
 no rdr on lo0 from any to any
 nat on egress from (self)           to any tag EGRESS -> ($ext_if:0)
 nat on egress from $wire_if:network to any tag EGRESS -> ($ext_if:0)

# DENY rouge redirections
 no rdr

################ Filtering #################################
# Deny spoofed packets
 antispoof log quick for { lo0 $wire_if ($ext_if) }

# Block to/from illegal sources/destinations
 block drop          quick             inet6
 block        in log quick             from no-route to any
 block        in     quick on $ext_if  from <blacklist> to any
 block        in     quick on $ext_if  from <sinokorea> to any
 block        in     quick on $ext_if  from <ssh-bruteforce> to any
 block        in     quick on $ext_if  from any to
 block return in     quick on $wire_if from any to <blacklist>
 block return in     quick on $wire_if from any to

# BLOCK all in/out on all interfaces by default
 block        log on $ext_if
 block return log on $wire_if

# $ext_if inbound
 pass in on $ext_if inet proto icmp from any to ($ext_if) icmp-type 8 code 0
keep state
 pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 21 flags S/SA
keep state queue (general) tagged FTPPROXY
 pass in quick log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if port ssh
flags S/SA synproxy state (max 10, source-track rule, max-src-conn 10,
max-src-nodes 5, max-src-conn-rate 3/30, overload <ssh-bruteforce> flush

# $wire_if outbound
 pass out on $wire_if inet proto tcp  from $wire_if to $wire_if:network
flags S/SAFR modulate state
 pass out on $wire_if inet proto tcp                to $ftp_server port 21
user proxy flags S/SA keep state
 pass out on $wire_if inet proto udp  from $wire_if to $wire_if:network keep
 pass out on $wire_if inet proto icmp from $wire_if to $wire_if:network
icmp-type 8 code 0 keep state

# $wire_if inbound
 pass in on $wire_if inet proto tcp  from $wire_if:network to  $wire_if
flags S/SAFR modulate state
 pass in on $wire_if inet proto tcp  from $wire_if:network to !$wire_if
flags S/SAFR modulate state
 pass in on $wire_if inet proto udp  from $wire_if:network to  $wire_if keep
 pass in on $wire_if inet proto udp  from $wire_if:network to !$wire_if keep
 pass in on $wire_if inet proto icmp from $wire_if:network to  $wire_if
icmp-type 8 code 0 keep state

# $ext_if outbound
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from ($ext_if) to any flags S/SAFR
modulate state queue (general, ack) tagged EGRESS
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from ($ext_if) to any port 25 flags
S/SAFR modulate state queue (email) tagged EGRESS
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from ($ext_if) to any port 80 flags
S/SAFR modulate state queue (web) tagged EGRESS
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from ($ext_if) to any port 110 flags
S/SAFR modulate state queue (email) tagged EGRESS
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from ($ext_if) to any port 443 flags
S/SAFR modulate state queue (web) tagged EGRESS
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from ($ext_if) to any port 8008 flags
S/SAFR modulate state queue (stream) tagged EGRESS
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto udp from ($ext_if) to any queue (general)
keep state tagged EGRESS
 pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from ($ext_if) to <voipservers>
tos 0xb8 queue (voip) keep state tagged EGRESS
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto icmp from ($ext_if) to any keep state queue
(general) tagged EGRESS

################ END #######################################

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