On Jul 20, 2008, at 1:48 AM, Uwe Dippel wrote:

On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:47:40 -0500, Karl O. Pinc wrote:

I've an OpenBSD box that's been running postfix for a few
years, strictly as a "send-only" mta, and every night the
box gets rebooted.  Every couple of months postfix does
not come up on reboot.

All that shows up in the logs is:
<snip> postfix/postfix-script[3005]: fatal: Postfix integrity check

Solution? Remove the sendmail-flags from rc.conf.local and put a 'postfix
start' at the end of rc.local. That should help.


I just saw the same thing after upgrading my Mac Mini G4 from 4.0 to 4.4-current and upgrading Postfix to 2.6.20080726. I have the sasl2 flavor installed, so perhaps it's a problem with that, as mentioned later in this thread?

At your suggestion, I changed sendmail_flags to "NO" in /etc/ rc.conf.local and simply added a /usr/local/sbin/postfix start to/etc/ rc.local . All working fine now...


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