On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:16:24 +0200 (CEST), Ernst Terhardt wrote
> Hello,

Hi.  bugs@ is probably the wrong mailing list to use for informal problem
discussions and diagnostics -- misc@ is a better choice for this discussion,
so I am routing my response there.

> installed obsd-4.3 from iso image. Immediately fell in love with it.
> Cannot connect to the web, and not even to my own router, although
> ifconfig tells me
> that the interface is active.

Pasting the output from ifconfig helps the community understand exactly how
the applicable NICs are configured.

> This occurred on two laptops, i.e.,(1) HP Omnibook 4150 and
> (2) Acer Aspire 1400.. The latter was connected by cable, the 
> fformer by wlan, using a Hama USB wlan interface.
> Both in DHCP- and fixed-address mode the wlan interface (rum0) is
> successfully initialized,
> and the system even fetches the router's name and IP address and writes
> them into /etc/resolv.conf.
> Yet neither lynx nor telnet can connect with the router or the internet.

If the system "fetched" information from the router's little DHCP server, then
UDP (an IP protocol) was working. 

> Supect that this is not really a bug of obsd but an incompatibility with
> the my DSL router,
> which is German Telekom's "Speedport  W502 V Typa A"..

Without seeing any configuration information, I can only guess.  Perhaps you
have an IP configuration mismatch -- e.g.: incorrect netmasking.  Perhaps PF
is enabled and is blocking traffic.  Perhaps it's something else.

If you don't find these guesses helpful, provide additional information. 
Examples include the output from:

$ ifconfig
$ route -n show -inet
$ dmesg

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