Hi Folks,

Looking for a bit of insight from you guys in the know.

I've deployed a 4.3 box as a pen test / scanning tool for our network. One of
the toys I've put on is HPING from the packages collection.

Ok so here's the problem if I do a 'hping -c 10000 -i u100 -1 xx.xx.xx.xx' I
generate a rather unimpressive 50pps. Issuing the same command on a gentoo box
(sorry) I get 9000+ pps.

In both cases HPING is v2.00.xx something. I've tried HPING3 but the result is
the same.

So HPING on OBSD is broke, are there any alternatives? I need to generate a
large number of packets to test our DDoS system, Arbor PeakFlow + TMS, OpenBSD
4.3 at its core ;-)

Any suggestions much appreciated, also if I can fix HPING or any knows of a
patch that would be good too.




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