Uwe Werler wrote:
> Am Wed, 15 Oct 2008 09:28:06 +0200 (CEST)
> schrieb "Holger Glaess" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> hi
>> which option i have to change that perl is able to ge more memory
>> resoruces ?
>> i an script that works on linux complete well but under openbsd ,
>> he start and then perl stop to work an left the memory.
>> if i disable some internal modules than he works.
>> if i see the the working script in top  he allocate 4092k resource
>> memory and 6216k size memory , but if i enable on more internal
>> module he stop to work.
>> i don have this problem under linux, but there is the limitation not
>> so strict .
>> any clue for it ?
>> holger
> Hello Holger,
> I think You have to increase stacksize-cur in /etc/login.conf for
> login class default.
> Regards Uwe

ok i check the memory usage of my script on the linux system by.
ps aux | grep perl .

root      6295  0.0  0.2  35380  6452 ?        Ss   10:13   0:00 perl

this looks for me that the script need more that 32M stacksize correct ?

and in this case how i can change the stacksize to more then 32M on openbsd?

i try in login.conf

but nothing change .
i there an sysctl option that i have also to change ?.


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