On 21:28:56 Oct 15, Neko wrote:
> Good day to all of you,
> i have found a really dirty way of going around this, 
> so im fishing for advices on finding a reliable way
> to dd over simple ip network with the generic bsd.
> could this be done in a straight pipe ?
> i have an ftp on the generic bsd, containing data, this 
> bsd system is on a multiple os drive. i have no choice to
> dd, since multiple partition got updated out of hand, no way
> to single track specific updated folders. *well actually yes, its
> the dirty way stipulated above*
> since my partitions have 16% free on all systems, i cant tarball the
> drive sent it to target machine and uncompress,
> anyays, if you have suggestion on opensource pkgs, services i could open,
> or any bright idea i would like to hear them,

dd(1) is not a good idea. If you want to back up across the n/w, then
dump(8) with ssh(8) may be interesting.

# dump af - | ssh ...

will work out much faster and better than plain old dd(1).

On the other side you have to run 

# <input> | restore xf -


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