On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Erik Carlseen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know if this issue has been resolved? I'm trying to boot and
> OpenBSD 4.4 AMD64 CD on an HP BL465c-G1 (dual Opteron 2216HE CPUs, 8GB RAM)
> and getting the following during the boot process (this is transcribed
> manually, so I apologize in advance for any typos):
>   CD-ROM: 9F
>   Loading /4.4/AMD64/CDBOOT
>   probing: pc0 com0 com1 mem[637K 255M 256M 2814M 4853M a20=on]
>   disk: fd0 fd1 hd0+* cd0
>   >> OpenBSD/amd64 CDBOOT 2.01
>   boot> machine memory
>   Region 0: type 1 at 0x0 for 637KB
>   Region 1: type 2 at 0x9f400 for 3KB
>   Region 2: type 2 at 0xf0000 for 64KB
>   Region 3: type 1 at 0x100000 for 261120KB
>   Region 4: type 1 at 0x10000000 for 262144KB
>   Region 5: type 1 at 0x20000000 for 2881851KB
>   Region 6: type 3 at 0xcfe4efc0 for 32KB
>   Region 7: type 1 at 0xcfe56fc0 for 4 KB
>   Region 8: type 2 at 0xcfe57fc0 for 1696KB
>   Region 9: type 2 at 0xfec00000 for 1024KB
>   Region 10: type 2 at 0xfee00000 for 64KB
>   Region 11: type 2 at 0xffc00000 for 4096KB
>   Region 12: type 1 at 0x1000000000 for 4980732KB

Something like machine memory [EMAIL PROTECTED] here.  Check
the numbers, and I've never actually tried this.

>   Low ram: 637KB  High ram: 3405115KB
>   Total free memory: 8386488KB
>   boot> boot
>   booting cd0a:/4.4/amd64/bsd.rd: 2561344+548422+2799208+0+492560
> [80+259200+161660]=0xa82360
>   entry point at 0x1001e0 [7205c766, 34000004, 2448b12, 840a304]
>   Ignoring 4863MB above 4GB
>   panic: init_x86_64: can't find end of memory
>   The operating system has halted.   Please press any key to reboot.
> Is there any way to get this to start, other than driving my lazy self 100
> miles to the data center and yanking 4GB out of it?
> Any help, thoughts, and criticism that doesn't involve suicide booths  is
> appreciated.
> -Erik

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