I'm working on an idea that might be what a friends responds to with "Just
because you can do something, doesn't mean you should."


I've looked at a local retailer of computer equipment (they have good
prices) and noticed that the least expensive of the four drive NAS
appliances without drives was around $470 cdn.  I pieced together a mother
board, processor, memory, CF card, CF to IDE adapter, and case that would
accept four SATA drives and was around $150 less expensive.


Consumer NAS devices. don't look so good with that.  Also, from what I hear,
the consumer NAS devices typically have barely enough power to do simple
SaMBa serving.


How this is on topic for OpenBSD is OpenBSD seems like a good choice to use
as the OS layer of the NAS. NFS, httpd (with ssl), ftp, sftp are included in
the base install.  Alternate Network File Systems are about the only thing
that would have to be added, other than configuration settings and a
management interface.  The final two are what I would be developing, and
adding to a package or some other release bundle.


I know how I'm intending to implement it, but I'm looking for some
suggestions from the readers of openbsd misc.



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