Hi list!

I thought it would be great to have rxvt-unicode on the ports tree, so I
reopened this thread to see users interest about have rxvt-unicode on
OpenBSD as official supported application.


fulvio ciriaco escribis:
From: "Arun G Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: aterm, rxvt -- memory usage
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:43:56 +0530

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Claer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I personnaly use unicode rxvt. It's a clone of rxvt that comes with
 unicode (oh surprising) and with client/server mode to reduce memory
 usage when you have serveral terms like I used to have.

 urxvt is also one of the rare terms out there with transparency and
 whitening the background and not darkening it.
Hi, I where can I find urxvt for openbsd ? I can't seem to find it in
ports. Am using 4.2.


...Keep Smiling...

I have a working port (in current) for rxvt-unicode.
Find it enclosed in the form of a patch file.

to your .Xdefaults to make use of perl add-ons.
These are tabs, regexp search in scrollback buffer, readline ...

diff -rNup rxvt-unicode/Makefile /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/Makefile
--- rxvt-unicode/Makefile       Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/Makefile        Sun Feb 24 23:12:07 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.38 2008-02-22 fulvio$
+COMMENT=    rxvt based terminal with perl plugin enhancements
+VER=           9.02
+DISTNAME=      rxvt-unicode-${VER}
+EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.bz2
+MASTER_SITES=  http://dist.schmorp.de/rxvt-unicode/
+HOMEPAGE=      http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/rxvt-unicode.html
+# GPL
+WANTLIB= X11 Xpm c Xft fontconfig +
+USE_X11=               Yes
+USE_LIBTOOL=           Yes
+LIBTOOL_FLAGS=         --tag=disable-shared
+CONFIGURE_ARGS=                \
+       --enable-perl \
+       --enable-smart-resize \
+       --enable-xft \
+       --enable-font-styles \
+  --enable-utmp \
+       --enable-wtmp \
+       --enable-transparency \
+       --enable-rxvt-scroll
+.include <bsd.port.mk>
diff -rNup rxvt-unicode/distinfo /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/distinfo
--- rxvt-unicode/distinfo       Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/distinfo        Sun Feb 24 22:43:37 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+SHA1 (rxvt-unicode-9.02.tar.bz2) = f58a851ab4bf2da60a926a4885749302e73a92ed
+MD5 (rxvt-unicode-9.02.tar.bz2) = f3c4fea3d544a340fa5a1d601ff5f204
+SIZE (rxvt-unicode-9.02.tar.bz2) = 862299
+SHA256 (rxvt-unicode-9.02.tar.bz2) = 
diff -rNup rxvt-unicode/pkg/DESCR /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/pkg/DESCR
--- rxvt-unicode/pkg/DESCR      Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/pkg/DESCR       Sun Feb 24 23:10:47 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+rxvt-unicode is a clone of the well known terminal emulator rxvt.
+Its main features (many of them unique) over rxvt are:
+    * Stores text in Unicode (either UCS-2 or UCS-4).
+    * Uses locale-correct input, output and width: as long as your system 
supports the locale, rxvt-unicode will display correctly.
+    * Daemon mode: one daemon can open multiple windows on multiple displays, 
which improves memory usage and startup time considerably.
+    * Embedded perl, for endless customization and improvement opportunities, 
such as:
+          o Tabbed terminal support.
+          o Regex-driven customisable selection that can properly select shell 
arguments, urls etc.
+          o Selection-transformation and option popup menus.
+          o Automatically transforming the selection once made.
+          o Incremental scrollback buffer search.
+          o Automatic URL-underlining and launching.
+          o Remote pastebin, digital clock, block graphics to ascii filter and 
whatever you like to implement for yourself.
+    * Crash-free. At least I try, but rxvt-unicode certainly crashes much less 
often than rxvt and its many clones, and reproducible bugs get fixed 
+    * Completely flicker-free.
+    * Re-wraps long lines instead of splitting or cutting them on resizes.
+    * Full combining character support (unlike xterm :).
+    * Multiple fonts supported at the same time: No need to choose between 
nice japanese and ugly latin, or no japanese and nice latin characters :).
+    * Supports Xft and core fonts in any combination.
+    * Can easily be embedded into other applications.
+    * All documentation accessible through manpages.
+    * Locale-independent XIM support.
+    * Many small improvements, such as improved and corrected terminfo, 
improved secondary screen modes, italic and bold font support, tinting and 
+    * Encapsulation of privileged operations in a separate process (improves 
+    * Optimised for local and remote connections.
diff -rNup rxvt-unicode/pkg/PLIST /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/pkg/PLIST
--- rxvt-unicode/pkg/PLIST      Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/pkg/PLIST       Sun Feb 24 23:09:00 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
[EMAIL PROTECTED] man/man1/urxvt.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] man/man1/urxvtc.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] man/man1/urxvtd.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] man/man3/urxvtperl.3
[EMAIL PROTECTED] man/man7/urxvt.7

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