Am 28.10.2008 um 08:49 schrieb Neko: > IF YOU took time to read PROPERLY Jonathan,
1.) Top posting is evil. 2.) Stop using caps all the time. 3.) I wasn't replying to your post. You are not the only person discussing on this list. 4.) If YOU took the time to read PROPERLY Neko, to which post it was a reply > the drivers WORKS, BUT ONLY FOR ONE NATIVE ENTRY in the disklabel. I was not talking about the disklabel at all > but like I WROTE, i structured my bsd system in more THAN ONE native Honestly? I don't care. I was replying to the post about > so get back to your project , ill get back to subsidaries who > actually cares about openbsd full market deployment overlordship. Please, troll somewhere else. No, you won't get any fish here. -- Jonathan [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had a name of PGP.sig]