On Oct 28, 2008, at 3:47 PM, Robert Franklin wrote:

> Did you read the man page for arc(4)? It says right there.

I did, and I'm not seeing anything.

It does talk about this:
   -a alarm-function
              Control the RAID card's alarm functionality, if supported.
              alarm-function may be one of:

              disable  Disable the alarm on the RAID controller.
              enable   Enable the alarm on the RAID controller.
              get      Retrieve the current alarm state (enabled or  
              silence | quiet
                       Silence the alarm if it is currently beeping.

              The alarm-function may be specified as given above, or  
by the
              first letter only (e.g. -a e).
But this all seems related to turning on/off the beeper, rather than  
giving me some textual indication of the health of the raid system.

If my server is in a colo miles away, the "alarm" buzzer is not going  
to be particularly useful to me.

Compare this to the ami driver, which states:
     Logical disk status is exposed under the hw.sensors sysctl(8) and  
can be
      monitored using sensorsd(8).  For example:

            $ sysctl hw.sensors.ami0
            hw.sensors.ami0.drive0=online (sd0), OK
            hw.sensors.ami0.drive1=degraded (sd1), WARNING
            hw.sensors.ami0.drive2=failed (sd2), CRITICAL
This exactly the kind of thing I am asking if arc supports, and if it  
doesn't (which is what I suspect), then IMHO, OpenBSD's support for  
Areca cards is not as awesome as its support for LSI Megaraid boards

> On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Don Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> On Oct 28, 2008, at 5:46 AM, Claudio Jeker wrote:
>>> Have a look at the man -k RAID output.
>>> Especially arc(4) and ami(4) are great SATA RAID controllers on  
>>> OpenBSD.
>> Does OpenBSD's  arc(4) driver support any method to report RAID  
>> status
>> and/or failures?
>> If not, then how is an admin supposed to understand the health of arc
>> supported RAID array?

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