On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 02:05:19PM -0500, Damian Gerow wrote:
> I would assume you're referring to uvm_loadav in uvm_meter.c?  That's where
> I'm looking.  I was hoping for a little English to help me with my
> understanding, but maybe I'm just not clever enough.

Likely this is not the real problem.

If you don't know the algorithms used to calculate load averages,
then you don't have a good reason to expect them to be different
from what you see. ("It was different on Linux" is not a good reason;
when you performed the installation you must have noticed that you
were not installing Linux. Some vague expectations about how you
think load averages are, or ought to be, calculated do not add up
to a good reason either.)

If this is something that you really want to understand then the
thing to do is learn the code that calculates the load averages.
Since there is nothing wrong with your system, then there is no
rush, and you have the time to do that carefully (even if it takes
months or longer - you can learn it a little at a time).  The only
thing stopping you is impatience; another side of the real problem.


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