
> I am willing to give it hundreds of hours of my time because it is a fun
> and interesting project, and I have free time.
> As to the rest of the mail, I can't be bothered to answer it all, mostly
> because I disliked the tone of it. If you want to know if it is ESMTP or
> if it has chroot/privsep/whatever, you can either grep the sources or be
> patient and wait until I write something up for undeadly, or ask it with
> a less aggressive tone as I don't owe you any of my time.
> Gilles
> --
> Gilles Chehade
> http://www.poolp.org/~gilles/
>                                    Please, contribute to my happiness ;)
>                http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2O09ACKR1A8HD/

while I wasn't a fan of the tone that came across in the original
email, I too am curious about this new development (and I have
complete confidence that smtpd will be a far better piece of work for
OpenBSD's needs :)

so, I would like to express my excitement and anticipation over a
future undeadly article, or whatever type of communication you send
forth, if it happens. If not, I look forward to stmpd's progress.
thank you for the great work!

oh.. is the stuffed puffy (seen in your photos) available for
purchase? I threw out my stress-tux, but my speaker needs a
replacement toy :P

thanks and appreciation for sharing your work and time!


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