On 12 Nov 2008, at 20:25, Mark Carlson wrote:

I know there has been some interest on this list related to having a
BSD licensed C compiler used for OpenBSD.  Anders Magnusson (Ragge,)
is the maintainer of PCC and is looking for some funding through BSD
Fund (tax deductible in the US) to get a V1.0 release out.

This is also on Undeadly, if you have not seen it already:
http://undeadly.org/cgi? action=article&sid=20081108135831&mode=expanded

A post to pcc-list by Anders Magnusson:
BSD fund has decided to get into the business of trying to get
donations for further PCC development, so that there can be faster
progress in development.

I have been discussing pcc with BSD fund for a while, and I think they
are doing a great job!

More info on http://www.bsdfund.org/projects/pcc/ , if you want to
contribute to PCC development or have a company that might be
interested in giving money for PCC.

-Mark C.

Looks interesting. It would be great to have a 100% C99 compatible compiler and C standard library. Not sure if that is what is the eventual goal for the project or not but there seems a real lack on that front.

I should probably do some more reading into PCC.


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