Try the "httpd -u" switch to run it outside /var/www chroot.

This doesn't apply here because the library is pre-loaded before the httpd is chrooted.

More details:

Pre-loading Shared Libraries

To extend the functionality of the webserver it can dynamically load shared libraries, e.g. a database access library. Shared libraries for a binary program are normally loaded by the runtime linker when the program is invoked (and thus before it can call the chroot system call). Thus shared libraries like the mod_php PHP4 module, which is linked as a shared library to the httpd program when it is started, impose no problem. PHP4 will be available whether your httpd is started chrooted or not because the shared library is loaded before the chroot() system call is invoked. PHP4 itself, however, does dynamically load additional functionality at runtime and as needed. If you try to access a PostgreSQL function in PHP4 e.g. then it will fail in a chrooted httpd because only the PHP4 module is dynamically linked to httpd but not the PostgreSQL client library. The latter is loaded (mapped) to the running httpd executable by PHP4.

This was for php4 but also apply to php5 as the modules are loaded before the chrooted take place.

Hope this help this a little and to avoid users to run httpd with -u.



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