For anyone following this for their own purposes, the ifstated
solution does not work. I was able to get it to log a few times in a
VM environment, but on a live system neither manually bringing an
interface up/down nor plugging/unplugging the ethernet cable is even
noticed by ifstated (running -dvv). If I'm doing something wrong,
please point it out to me.

Next, I'll be toying with Stuart's suggestion of using ospfd with all
interfaces set to passive.


On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 5:26 PM, (private) HKS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 5:18 PM, (private) HKS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> "route monitor" ?
>>> --
>>>  WBR,
>>>    Pereresus ne Vlezaet Buggy
>> That's an interesting tool, but it's not what I'm looking for.
>> My current solution is an incredibly awkward ifstated.conf (pasted below).
>> Is this really the best way to do it? I have no idea what's involved
>> with logging interface state changes, but it's something that any
>> router, firewall, or server needs. PCs are debatable, but I prefer
>> that mine log it. I'd like to file a feature request but before I do,
>> is there something I'm missing here? Is there a specific reason it was
>> decided to keep this functionality out of the OS?
>> -HKS
>> -------------------------------------
>> ifstated.conf:
>> -------------------------------------
>> # global config
>> init-state main
>> vr0_up = ""
>> state main {
>>  init {
>>    run ""
>>  }
>>  if $vr0_up || ! $vr0_up {
>>    logger "ifstatus change. vr0 `ifconfig vr0 | grep status: | sed
>> 's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr1 `ifconfig vr1 | grep status: | sed
>> 's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr2 `ifconfig vr2 | grep status: | sed
>> 's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr1 `ifconfig vr3 | grep status: | sed
>> 's/^[[:space:]]//'`"
>>  }
>> }
> Whoops, posted an ifstated.conf writeup that had incorrect syntax.
> Here's the correct version:
> init-state main
> vr0_up = ""
> state main {
>        init {
>                run ""
>        }
>        if $vr0_up || ! $vr0_up {
>                run "logger \"ifstatus change. vr0 `ifconfig vr0 |
> grep status: | sed 's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr1 `ifconfig vr1 | grep
> status: | sed 's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr2 `ifconfig vr2 | grep status: |
> sed 's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr3 `ifconfig vr3 | grep status: | sed
> 's/^[[:space:]]//'`\""
>        }
> }

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