
I'm using OpenBSD's ftpd(8), and specified the -l option on the command 
line when starting it, which according to the man page, makes ftpd(8) 
to log to syslog with facility LOG_FTP.
Well, I've set up syslog.conf to capture that facility to a file:
LOG_FTP.* /var/log/ftpd

After a `pkill -HUP -x syslogd` unfortunately ftpd(8) won't log 
anything. Even tried the "-ll" and "-d" options with ftpd(8), but no 
luck. Grepping through ftpd's source, it seems that indeed it tries to 
log with facility LOG_FTP.
/var/log/wtmp gets updated regularly when a login succeeds.

What could be the problem here?
Thanks in advance!


LEVAI Daniel
PGP key ID = 0x4AC0A4B1
Key fingerprint = D037 03B9 C12D D338 4412  2D83 1373 917A 4AC0 A4B1

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