On 15:20, Tue 02 Dec 08, sonjaya wrote:
> have you try in openbsd 4.3 or 4.4   ?
> I try make one small box for voip service with openbsd  4.3/4.4

At the moment there is no stable zaptel version for OpenBSD 4.4.
But I think it's best to ask on the asterisk-bsd mailinglist hosted by
Digium (the company behind asterisk)

My advise is to use PSTN gateways like linksys or grandstream or .....

> thank's
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Zafer Da:tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Stuart Henderson yazm}~:
> >> On 2008-12-01, sonjaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Dear all
> >>>
> >>> do you have anyone here using voip card ( digium , sangoma etc ) in
> >>> openbsd , i will be thank's if someone share ,,,,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> no, but there are PSTN/SIP gateways which cost about the same as the
> >> cards (e.g. patton)
> >>
> >>
> > I used Sangoma FXS/FXO+asterisk cards in 3.8 in experimental network and
> > it worked well.  if zaptel is ported properly, I think there will be no
> > problem. (one point voip cards are no longer supported for OpenBSD)
> >
> > --
> >
> > Zafer Da~tan
> >
> > *Z-Sistem*
> > *]nternet Serv. Bili~im Tekno. Veri G|v. San Tic. Ltd. ^ti.*
> > Adres : Beyler Cad. Dost Kent Yan} No:4 Gayyolu / ANKARA TR 06530
> > Tel     : +90 (0) 312 238 24 15
> > Faks  : +90 (0) 312 238 24 18
> > GSM  : +90 (0) 532 548 28 30
> > http://www.z-sistem.com <http://www.z-sistem.com/>
> > http://www.i-bekci.com <http://www.i-bekci.com/>
> >
> >
> -- 
> sonjaya
> http://idsale.blogspot.com


Michiel van Baak
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