On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 02:40:59PM +0530, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm not aware if this has been brought up here before, didn't know how
> to search for this particular question through the archives, so
> writing to the list.
> Pardon me if I'm repeating.
> I'm under OpenBSD 4.2 running ksh (PD KSH v5.2.14 99/07/13.2) as my shell.
> I tried to do the following;
> time java helloWorld >time.report 2>&1
> It showed the following;
>     0m0.13s real     0m0.12s user     0m0.00s system
> shouldn't this time command related info go into time.report?
> time.report only contained the string "Hello World".
> Is this a flaw with pdksh?

No, check the ksh man page.


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