I seem to either not understand or having the following synproxy issue:

A client ( behind a firewall (nat, 4.4) does a http connect
to cds.sun.com (, requesting the header only:

$ lynx -dump -head http://cds.sun.com

The matching pf rule is:
 pass in log quick inet proto tcp to port http synproxy state
(with default pass out policy)

However, the http connection stalls. Changing the above rule to:
 pass in log quick inet proto tcp to port http modulate state

"fixes" the stall and the header is transmitted by the webserver just

I have captured both sessions into two individual tcpdump files that
might be investigated further, if that's helpful:


Of course I tried to search the archives but I could only find old or
irrelevant posts. Switching synproxy off in this case isn't a problem,
but I'd like to understand why synproxy wouldn't work in this szenario
or what triggers it to fail.



 Stephan A. Rickauer

 Institute of Neuroinformatics         Tel  +41 44 635 30 50
 University / ETH Zurich               Sec  +41 44 635 30 52
 Winterthurerstrasse 190               Fax  +41 44 635 30 53
 CH-8057 Zurich                        Web    www.ini.uzh.ch

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