> I'm using OpenBSD 4.3 and was wondering how to do a wireless scan of
> all the networks available, specifically secured networks.
> When I run:
> ifconfig -M ipw0
> I only get unsercured networks. Is there a way to see ALL networks
> (secured or unsecured)?
> And when I find the secured network I want to connect to, how would I
> actually connect to it?
> My home network is WPA encrypted and wanted know how I can connect to
> it.
> I'm using an Intel ipw2100 wireless card and running 4.3 on a Dell
> Inspiron 600m. I've downloaded the necessary drivers and my dmesg
> shows the wireless device.
> Thanks for your help.

WPA was not supported until 4.4; you'll have to upgrade. man ifconfig(8)
should answer your other questions.

Joe Gidi

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