Simon Vallet wrote:
> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 21:17:39 +0100
> Jeroen Massar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Simon Vallet wrote:
>> [..]
>>> Would I be missing something?
>> The fact that generally people use NAMES and not IP addresses?
>> It is not called "__Name__VirtualHost" for nothing ;)
> ??

My bad, mixing up between those two ;)
Nevertheless note that the 1.3 docs might not apply to the special
version of apache in openbsd, in part due to the IPv6 patch.

Try something like:
NameVirtualHost *
NameVirtualHost *:443

That will enable them all to support it, which is generally what you
want anyway, the Listen directive can then be used to limit what you
really listen on.

> AFAIK, the host name comes in the "ServerName" directive -- which is
> supposed to match the HTTP/1.1 'Server' entry.

You most likely mean "Host:", as in:

GET / HTTP/1.1\n

Which will then match with the VirtualHost entry and use that config
sniplet for actually executing the query further.

  (who happily uses Apache2 already for years...)

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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