On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 08:41:05AM +0530, Amarendra Godbole wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 7:25 AM, Aaron W. Hsu <arcf...@sacrideo.us> wrote:
> > Hey All,
> >
> > I wanted to check with any users here that are using the opera web
> > browser.  Can you please mention what Window Manager you use?  I
> > am trying to understand why Opera is unstable for me, but not for
> > other people.  If you can report the stability of running Opera,
> > that would be great too.
> Does not work for me on Fluxbox -- it locks up the moment it starts. I
> am using an Intel dual-core CPU (IBM Thinkpad X60). The only reason
> why I continue using FF on OpenBSD! :-|

The MP part is the issue. opera is non functional with MP.

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