On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 02:38:43PM -0500, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:

> Is anyone aware of an equivalent for the Soekris Net 5501-70. I'm looking
> to prototype an OpenBSD border gateway that offers web proxy capabilities
> through squid cache but squid is a bit of a memory hog and I'd like to have
> something with a Gig of RAM. Power footprint is a consideration which is
> why the Soekris is at the top of the list.

I started off looking at Soekris but, to be honest, thought they were
expensive given their lack of horsepower. After a lot of hunting, I ended up
with a Tranquil (http://www.tranquilpc.co.uk/) T7, which is a passively
cooled Intel Atom solution. Depending on where you site it, you might want
to fiddle with its positioning to maximise its ability to cool itself (I
found that if I floor mounted it, raising it half an inch above the floor
meant it ran much cooler; I suspect the available wall mount would have a
similar beneficial effect), It works fine with OpenBSD, draws very little
power, can be ordered in a "bare bones" version (sans OS etc.), and is very
well engineered. As with most Atom machines, it's a little sparse on the
peripherals, but adding a USB NIC or two would probably do the trick for
most gateway purposes.

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