Jeremy Bowen wrote:
Doh! <facepalm>
After sleeping on this overnight I've discovered a misconfigured server.
All working as desired now.

Too embarrassing to share for the archives? :-9

Apologies for the noise.

On 12/18/2008, "Jeremy Bowen" <> wrote:

I have a problem with mod_gzip not compressing output from httpd

My System is:
OpenBSD 4.4 (GENERIC) #1021: Tue Aug 12 17:16:55 MDT 2008

I'm running the stock httpd however it is not chrooted
httpd_flags = "-u -DSSL"

# httpd -v
Server version: Apache/1.3.29 (Unix)

I've installed mod_gzip as a package:
# pkg_info mod_gzip
Information for inst:mod_gzip-

I have copied the sample mod_gzip.conf into /var/www/conf/modules and
have stopped and started apache.

I've tested that mod_gzip is recognised by the server by fetching
which returns:

mod_gzip is available...
mod_gzip_version =
mod_gzip_on = Yes

I'm attempting to test this from:
Unfortunately indicates that none of my files/traffic is being gzip'ed.

In /var/www/conf/modules/mod_gzip.conf I've enabled
mod_gzip_keep_workfiles       Yes
Minimum file-size: 500
Max: 500000
I have commented out any mod_gzip_item_exclude entries.

There are no working files in /tmp. Nor are there any entries in

I'm running with Virtual hosting if that makes a difference.

I've even tried telnetting to port 80 to fetch a suitable text or html
file and issuing an:
"Accept-Encoding: gzip"
command but that also fails to gzip the file. (I successfully get the
uncompressed file though).

Any ideas on how to debug this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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