Also my error.log file is filled up with this:
[Mon Dec 22 08:56:24 2008] [notice] child pid 9102 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Mon Dec 22 11:01:56 2008] [notice] child pid 28953 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Mon Dec 22 11:02:14 2008] [notice] child pid 23240 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Mon Dec 22 12:54:18 2008] [notice] child pid 2948 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Mon Dec 22 12:56:11 2008] [notice] child pid 3545 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Mon Dec 22 12:59:25 2008] [notice] child pid 21327 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)

I've attached my dmesg output.

2008/12/5 Gabri Mate <>

> Dear List,
> I've upgraded 4.3 to 4.4 today. Apachectl configtest returns with Syntax
> OK but right after that it segfaults. I can't run gdb on the dump file
> because it says it can't recognize the file. Please give me some advice
> where to start because i'm totally noob on debugging.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Gabri Mate

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of dmesg]

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