
On Sat, 20.12.2008 at 14:13:34 +0000, Christian Weisgerber <na...@mips.inka.de> 
> However, sometimes pppoe just seems get wedged and stop retrying.
> Does anybody else see this too?

"yes", across a number of versions of OpenBSD, and for the last few
years. I have static IPs, too, but are disconnected every now and then.
Connections actually seem to fail several times per day, more often at
some locations than at others, so it may be a question of what's at the
other end, or what the copper can do.

When it happens, I can't "see" what's going on since then, I'm locked
out. I have installed cron jobs, though, which detect the situation and
try to speed up recovery by killing the (probably) wegded pppoe and ppp
programs, and run this every one or two minutes.

When things recover on their own, it sometimes takes about half an hour
to do so, and sometimes fail (afair). And sometimes, I need several
attempts to get a useful connection.

So far, I was writing this off as "you get what you pay for", although
I have much less trouble with Linux connecting to the same ISP.

Kind regards,

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