
I wish you an happpy new year.

I have some trouble with my new Openbsd router.
I installed the latest version 4.4. I compile the kernel with the RAID FRAME

This router is running services for :
- PF

I have trouble with the IPSEC and PF services (rdr rules particularly).

I have a VPN between two peers : A.B.C.D and E.F.G.H
The peer A.B.C.D is running Openbsd 4.4 and E.F.G.H is running
Feebsd 6.3.
Behind this two peers, I have many networks. So, I use IPENCAP potocol
to connect it.

From the host x.x.x.x behind E.F.G.H, I would like to connect to the host
y.y.y.y behind A.B.C.D. This working good.
But when I try to redirect traffic from x.x.x.x to y.y.y.y toward z.z.z.z with a
PF/rdr rule, this don't work.

Following, the pf rule used on the peer A.B.C.D :
rdr  from any to y.y.y.y -> z.z.z.z

I also try this rules :
rdr  enc0 from any to y.y.y.y -> z.z.z.z
rdr nfe0 from any to y.y.y.y -> z.z.z.z (where is nfe0 is a private interface used
to route the traffic).

With the same result .....

The traffic is not redirected. I can see on nfe0 the traffic from x.x.x.x to y.y.y.y
instead of traffic from x.x.x.x to z.z.z.z.

with the pfctl -s state, I can see state like this :
nfe0 icmp x.x.x.x:31262 -> y.y.y.y:31262       0:0

Before using this configuration on Openbsd 4.4, I used it on Freebsd 6.3.
Everything is OK.

I'm searching for any documentation on the WEB, without success for the

Maybe someone can help me here.

Thank you.

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