2009/1/3 Ed Ahlsen-Girard <eagir...@cox.net>:
> Philip Guenther wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Ed Ahlsen-Girard <eagir...@cox.net> wrote:
>> ...
>>> But my real problem was getting the download to work inside a script,
>>> and none of the presented ideas so far have helped that.
>> Perhaps you should actually show the complete output from one that
>> succeeds and then again from one that fails.  It's hard to help
>> someone when all you tell us is:
>>     In all cases I see a connection to the server, followed
>>     by a complaint of an invalid directory, and disconnection.
>> Oh, and please don't anonymize the URLs like you did in your original
>> post.  For all we know, you're actually using completely different
>> URLs (purposely or from a typo) and thus completely wasting our time.
>> Philip Guenther
> When I run this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> `cd /home/ed/snap`;
> unlink </home/ed/snap/*>;
> system ("ftp", "-ia", "ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/*tgz";);
> system ("ftp", "-ia", "ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/INSTALL.i386";);
> system ("ftp", "-ia", "ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/index.txt";);
> system ("ftp", "-ia", "ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/bsd ");
> system ("ftp", "-ia", "ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/bsd.rd";);
> system ("ftp", "-ia", "ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/ports.tar.gz";);
> exit;
> I get this:
> Connected to rt.fm.
> 220-
> 220-  rt.fm                                                   __
> 220-  Located in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA.           |__|__
> 220-                                                       __|__|__|
> 220-  Server provided and administrated by Superblock     |__|__|
> 220-  http://superblock.net/                                 |__|
> 220-
> 220-  100 Mbps connectivity courtesy of DLS Internet
> 220-  http://dls.net/
> 220-
> 220 quadruple.superblock.net FTP server (Version 6.6/OpenBSD) ready.
> 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
> 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 550 pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386: No such file or directory.
> 221 Goodbye.
> Connected to rt.fm.
> 220-
> 220-  rt.fm                                                   __
> 220-  Located in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA.           |__|__
> 220-                                                       __|__|__|
> 220-  Server provided and administrated by Superblock     |__|__|
> 220-  http://superblock.net/                                 |__|
> 220-
> 220-  100 Mbps connectivity courtesy of DLS Internet
> 220-  http://dls.net/
> 220-
> 220 quadruple.superblock.net FTP server (Version 6.6/OpenBSD) ready.
> 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
> 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 550 pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386: No such file or directory.
> 221 Goodbye.
> Connected to rt.fm.
> 220-
> 220-  rt.fm                                                   __
> 220-  Located in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA.           |__|__
> 220-                                                       __|__|__|
> 220-  Server provided and administrated by Superblock     |__|__|
> 220-  http://superblock.net/                                 |__|
> 220-
> 220-  100 Mbps connectivity courtesy of DLS Internet
> 220-  http://dls.net/
> 220-
> 220 quadruple.superblock.net FTP server (Version 6.6/OpenBSD) ready.
> 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
> 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 550 pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386: No such file or directory.
> 221 Goodbye.
> Connected to rt.fm.
> 220-
> 220-  rt.fm                                                   __
> 220-  Located in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA.           |__|__
> 220-                                                       __|__|__|
> 220-  Server provided and administrated by Superblock     |__|__|
> 220-  http://superblock.net/                                 |__|
> 220-
> 220-  100 Mbps connectivity courtesy of DLS Internet
> 220-  http://dls.net/
> 220-
> 220 quadruple.superblock.net FTP server (Version 6.6/OpenBSD) ready.
> 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
> 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 550 pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386: No such file or directory.
> 221 Goodbye.
> Connected to rt.fm.
> 220-
> 220-  rt.fm                                                   __
> 220-  Located in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA.           |__|__
> 220-                                                       __|__|__|
> 220-  Server provided and administrated by Superblock     |__|__|
> 220-  http://superblock.net/                                 |__|
> 220-
> 220-  100 Mbps connectivity courtesy of DLS Internet
> 220-  http://dls.net/
> 220-
> 220 quadruple.superblock.net FTP server (Version 6.6/OpenBSD) ready.
> 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
> 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 550 pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386: No such file or directory.
> 221 Goodbye.
> Connected to rt.fm.
> 220-
> 220-  rt.fm                                                   __
> 220-  Located in Lake in the Hills, Illinois, USA.           |__|__
> 220-                                                       __|__|__|
> 220-  Server provided and administrated by Superblock     |__|__|
> 220-  http://superblock.net/                                 |__|
> 220-
> 220-  100 Mbps connectivity courtesy of DLS Internet
> 220-  http://dls.net/
> 220-
> 220 quadruple.superblock.net FTP server (Version 6.6/OpenBSD) ready.
> 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
> 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> 200 Type set to I.
> 550 pub/OpenBSD/snaphots: No such file or directory.
> 221 Goodbye.
> Note that the failure for the gets and the mgets is exactly the same.
> Additionally, when run individually in xterm, these:
> ftp -ia ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/*tgz
> ftp -ia ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/INSTALL.i386
> ftp -ia ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/index.txt
> ftp -ia ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/bsd
> ftp -ia ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/bsd.rd
> ftp -ia ftp://rt.fm/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/ports.tar.gz
> all work just fine.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> `cd /home/ed/snap`;
> unlink </home/ed/snap/*>;
> `ftp -ia rt.fm:/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/*tgz`;
> `ftp -ia rt.fm:/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/INSTALL.i386`;
> `ftp -ia rt.fm:/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/index.txt`;
> `ftp -ia rt.fm:/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/bsd `;
> `ftp -ia rt.fm:/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/i386/bsd.rd`;
> `ftp -ia rt.fm:/pub/OpenBSD/snaphots/ports.tar.gz`;
> $ENV{CVSROOT} = 'anon...@rt.fm:/cvs';
> `cd /usr`;
> `cvs checkout -P src`;
> exit;

Well, it works better for me when you change "snaphots" to "snapshots"
in the script  ;)

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