Hi Misc@,

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 6:32 AM, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 05:49:00AM +0700, Insan Praja SW wrote:
>> Hi Misc@,
>> So I tried to move the cable (and configs) to other interfaces.
>> Unplugging the cable will reproduce the problem. So IMHO it must be
>> something in bgpd or something in kernel that manages routes.
>> Thanks,
> Could you please send me the output of netstat -Arn just before you
> produce the panic. Hopefully this gives me the hint what goes wrong.

It's a lot of output (full routes), but I could cut some of the first output

Routing tables
0xd2ab54a0       (root node)
0xd2e1db00       (255) Qff.ff.f0
0xd2e1da00       (255) Qff.ff.ff
0xd2e2b100       (255) Qff.ff.ff.80
0xd2e2bb80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.c0
0xd2e28d80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.e0
0xd2e26a80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.f0
0xd2e25600       (255) Qff.ff.ff.f8
0xd2e25580       (255) Qff.ff.ff.fc
0xd2e26e80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.fe
0xd2e26b00       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2e1d280       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.80
0xd2e2b800       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.c0
0xd2e2b700       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.e0
0xd2e2b200       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.f0
0xd2e2be00       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.f8
0xd2e2bd80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.fc
0xd2e1df00       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.fe
0xd2e1df80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2e2bd00       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.e0
0xd2e1dc00       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.f0
0xd2e1d900       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.f8
0xd2b75a00       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.fc
0xd2b75c80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.c0
0xd2b75480       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2b75780       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.f0
0xd2b75680       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2b75080       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2ae5e00       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2b75b80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2b75a80       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.f0
0xd2b75980       (255) Qff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff
0xd2ab54d0       (root node)

Address    Destination        Gateway            Flags   Refs      Use
  Mtu  Prio Iface
0xd2ab5338         (32) (0xd2ab5338)       0xd98bd018 :
0xd97172ac <RA> mk =       0xd2e22be0 {(0), <A>, default}
0xd98bd018         (33) (0xd2ab5338)       0xd976d10c :       0xd97669b8 <A>
0xd976d10c         (34) (0xd98bd018)       0xd96fe5c4 :       0xd9768188 <A>
0xd96fe5c4         (35) (0xd976d10c)       0xd98b3a14 :       0xd956a030 <A>
0xd98b3a14         (36) (0xd96fe5c4)       0xd95c0af8 :       0xd976ca94 <A>
0xd95c0af8         (37) (0xd98b3a14)       0xe05af698 :       0xe0dbc630 <A>

If you need more, I'm willing to send a private message to your email
with the output attached.

> thanks.
> --
> :wq Claudio

>> Insan
>>> Hi Misc@,
>>> recently installed a i386-current from january 11th 2009, on an intel
>>> s3210SH serverboard. I run pf, bgpd, snmpd and ntpd. When I accidentally
>>> unplugged em0, somehow it went panic and said "panic: rtfree 2". I
>>> entered
>>> ddb and run a trace with the following result:
>>> ddb> trace
>>> Debugger(d39d1c58,d2ab5300,4,e1bc0cfc,d39d1c00) at Debbugger+0x4
>>> panic(d06f5e16,d39d1c78,d2ab5300,0,0) at panic+0x55
>>> rtfree(e1bc0cfc,30,0,d2ab5300) at rtfree+0xbd
>>> route_output(d9898000,d9783c70,0,df75fd50,d0202dd5) at route_output+0x341
>>> raw_usrreq(d9783c70,9,d9898000,0,0) at raw_usrreq+0xf2
>>> route_usrreq(d9783c70,9,d9898000,0,0) at route_usrreq+0xe8
>>> sosend(d9783c70,0,df75fea8,d9898000,0) at sosend+0x357
>>> soo_write(d977f424,d977f440,df75fea8,d992c000) at soo_write+0x1c
>>> dofilewritev(d990ada0,6,d997f424,cfbecfc0,5) at dofilewritev+0xeb
>>> sys_writev(d990ada0,df75ff68,df75ff58,cfbecfc0,d990ada0) at
>>> sys_writev+0x47
>>> syscall() at syscall+0x24e
>>> --- syscall (number 121) ---
>>> 0x74ba3d5
>>> ddb>
>>> I did run ps and notice some particular things (I'm too exhausted to
>>> retype everything from the picture):
>>> PID  PPID    PGRP    UID     S       FLAGS   WAIT    COMMAND
>>> 6790 6286    6286    75      3       0x180   poll    bgpd
>>> 7389 6286    6286    75      2       0x100           bgpd
>>> *6286        1       6286    0       7       0               bgpd
>>> Of course, it's not happen if bgpd is not running and I consciusly
>>> ifconfig-ed em0 to down. But, if I keep bgpd running and ifconfig-ed em0
>>> to down, nothing happen until I ifconfig-ed em0 to up, it went panic with
>>> the same messages. I hope this could helps all of us. Thanks a lot for
>>> everything, I hope I could help more. I also sendbug-ed the messages.
>>> Below is the dmesg.

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