Khalid Schofield wrote:
> Dev's.
> What are the chances of getting a port of ZFS to OpenBSD? I can't quite
> bring myself to run solaris since it lacks so much of what I love about
> OpenBSD and Linux is back to square one because of the reasons I moved
> to OpenBSD.
> Khalid

Given the Dev's have answered this one before, and have better things to
do, I shall take it upon myself. I'm sure they will correct me if I'm

The ZFS code is under a license which the OpenBSD team have deemed
incompatible with the BSD License they use. [0]

Whilst there could be a FUSE-based implementation of ZFS on OpenBSD, and
indeed I think one may have already been started, to properly take
advantage of the strength of ZFS the code would have to be in the
kernel. Performance will suck if nothing else.

If its not BSD-licensed code, its not going in the kernel. End of
discussion. Said policy has been a universal truism of OpenBSD since it

I would suggest, if you want XFS in OpenBSD[1], set about persuading Sun
to re-release the ZFS code as BSD-licensed. Indeed, I think given it
would have to be kernel code, I really do mean BSD-licensed rather than

And when you do, be sure to remember to buy Satan some mittens.



[1] Which I personally would love to see.

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